
We can create a budget that works for the specific needs f every project so there are no surprises.


We are licensed professionals. Always courteous and professional. We are always prompt because time matters.


We love the process of giving new life to the interiors of mobile homes. We love the process of the before and after.


We are skilled in complete renovations. But sometimes only an upgrade is required. We have amazing skill in that field as well..


Locating the best fixtures to match the look and feel is paramount in remodeling. We have a keen eye for design.


Sometimes a complete remodel is the only solution. We are skilled in the process and enjoy its completion.

answer for anything

Everything you 
need to know.

Feel free to read through our Frequently Asked Questions. Let us know if we can answer any additional questions. We are ready to  help. Our years of experience allow us to do what we do best. 


We pay cash as is on warehouse liens, and abandoned mobile homes in parks with our own funds.

We pay for all that needs to be done from the beginning to the end of the process.

It really depends. The expected time frame is approximately 6 to 8 weeks. 

Our investment is successful post the renovation, upgrades and resale.

The park benefits by getting an approved household and generates space rent for years to come.

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